How to join the community

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It’s open source

Open-source software offers freedom to use, modify, and distribute code. Freedom comes with responsibility; organisations need free software, but contributing back can be problematic. Canonical strives to be the best open-source company in the world. We provide good code, largely devoid of licensing fees, with many free and paid support options.

Paid support

Not every situation fits a free solution. Some scenarios demand more than community-led efforts can provide. Whether it’s a project that necessitates dedicated Canonical intervention, a unique environment requiring specialised field engineering, or a need that deviates from the MAAS roadmap, our paid support is designed to fill these gaps.

Sharing free help

That said, there are various channels through which you can both seek – and provide – free help on a best-effort basis:

  • Engage on the Discourse forum: Our Discourse platform offers a collaborative space where you can interact with other users, our support staff, and the MAAS development team. It’s a hub for problem-solving, knowledge-sharing, and even light reading to stay updated.

  • Request features and enhancements: We don’t just hear; we listen. If your feature requests could benefit more than just a few users, we’re all ears. We’ve delivered on such requests before and welcome your ideas for future enhancements or changes.

  • Report and review bugs: Transparent and constructive bug reporting helps everyone. Our guidelines ensure that your bug submissions are handled efficiently, with minimal need for additional clarification.

  • Contribute to MAAS documentation: Quality documentation is a collective endeavour. Our workflow ensures that contributions from community members like you are reviewed by our Technical Authors prior to editing.

  • Contribute code: Ready to get your hands dirty with code? Our development team and wider community are always open to skilled help. Contributing code can speed up the implementation of features you want, making them better tailored to your requirements.

A balance

At Canonical, we believe in a balanced approach that combines the virtues of open-source software with the practicality of expert, paid support. You can tap into the robust features of MAAS without being encumbered by licensing fees or the complexities of coding your own solutions. At the same time, our paid support gives you a safety net of expert advice and technical assistance when you need more than volunteers can really provide.

The bigger picture

Open-source is not just a software distribution model; it’s a philosophy of community engagement and collaborative improvement. With Canonical’s dual approach to support, you enjoy the best of both worlds: a community-supported software ecosystem and the assurance of expert help. Whether you opt for paid support or choose to contribute to the MAAS community, you’re a valued member of an ever-growing network of open-source professionals. Some of us just happen to wear Canonical badges.

Last updated 19 days ago.