Configuration reference

Configure several aspects of MAAS:

  • MAAS behavior settings
  • Rack controller port settings
  • Interface parameters

MAAS behavior settings

Change MAAS settings and behavior to suit your environment. For the CLI, prefix the listed commands with:

maas $PROFILE maas set-config ...

Check the special commands at the bottom of the table, also

Setting Description UI Settings > CLI Example/Notes
MAAS Name Assign a unique name and emoji to identify your MAAS instance. Configuration > General maas_name US-west-2 🇺🇸 MAAS-prod
Theme Main Colour Set a custom theme colour for the MAAS interface. Configuration > General Helps differentiate instances visually.
Data Analytics Enable analytics to improve user experience. Configuration > General enable_analytics Uses Google Analytics, Usabilla, and Sentry.
Notifications Enable notifications for new releases. Configuration > General release_notifications Helps keep you informed of updates.
Default Ubuntu Release for Commissioning Set the default Ubuntu version for new machine commissioning. Configuration > Commissioning commissioning_distro_series Default: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Default Minimum Kernel Version Set the lowest allowed kernel version for new nodes. Configuration > Commissioning default_min_hwe_kernel No minimum by default.
Default OS for Deployment Set the default operating system for deployments. Configuration > Deploy default_osystem Example: Ubuntu, CentOS.
Default OS Release for Deployment Set the specific OS release for deployments. Configuration > Deploy default_distro_series Example: Ubuntu 22.04, CentOS 7.
Hardware Sync Interval Frequency of hardware info syncs (in minutes). Configuration > Deploy hardware_sync_interval Default: 15 minutes.
Global Kernel Parameters Set boot parameters for all machines. Configuration > Kernel parameters kernel_opts Apply settings consistently during boot.
Session Timeout Set how long user sessions remain active. Security > Session timeout session_length Max: 14 days. Example: “2 weeks” or “336 hours.”
IPMI Settings Configure IPMI username, key, and privilege level. Security > IPMI settings maas_auto_ipmi_… Privilege levels: Admin, Operator, User.
User Management Manage users, including adding, editing, and deleting users. Users Search and sort users easily.
Proprietary Drivers Enable proprietary drivers (e.g., HPVSA). Images > Ubuntu enable_third_party_drivers Needed for certain hardware setups.
Windows KMS Host Set the host for Windows KMS activation. Images > Windows windows_kms_host Enter FQDN or IP of the KMS host.
VMware vCenter Server Configure VMware vCenter settings (FQDN, username, datacenter). Images > VMware vcenter_… Required for VMware ESXi deployments.
License Keys Add and manage product license keys. License keys Sortable, searchable table for licenses.
Default Storage Layout Set the storage layout applied during commissioning. Storage default_storage_layout Options: Bcache, Flat, LVM, etc.
Disk Erasure Options Choose secure or quick disk erasure methods. Storage disk_erase_with_… Secure erase for supported devices.
HTTP Proxy Configure proxy for image downloads and package access. Network > Proxy http_proxy Options: No proxy, Built-in, External, Peer.
Upstream DNS Set DNS servers for resolving external domains. Network > DNS upstream_DNS Example: for Google DNS.
NTP Server Configure NTP servers for time sync. Network > NTP ntp_servers Use external NTP servers only if needed.
Remote Syslog Server Forward logs to a remote syslog server. Network > Syslog remote_syslog Helps centralize logging.
Network Discovery Enable passive or active network discovery. Network > Network discovery network_discovery Keeps discovery info accurate.
Commissioning Scripts Upload and manage commissioning scripts. Scripts > Commissioning scripts Scripts run during hardware setup.
Testing Scripts Upload and manage testing scripts. Scripts > Testing scripts Scripts run to test hardware.
DHCP Snippets Manage DHCP configuration snippets. DHCP snippets Useful for custom DHCP settings.
Package Repos Add and manage APT/YUM repositories. Package repos Add PPAs or custom repos.

Special commands

To enable TLS for secure communication:

sudo maas config-tls enable $key $cert --port YYYY

To enable Vault for secure secrets management:

sudo maas config-vault configure ...

Controller port settings

Essential TCP ports for MAAS communication:

Port(s) Description
5240 HTTP traffic with each region controller. In HA environments, port 80 is commonly used.
5241 - 5247 Allocated for MAAS internal services.
5248 Designated for rack HTTP communication.
5250 - 5270 Reserved for region workers (RPC).
5271 - 5274 Required for communication between Rack Controller (specifically maas-agent) and Region Controller
5281 - 5284 Region Controller Temporal cluster membership gossip communication

Interface parameters

The following tables may be needed to manage MAAS interfaces.

Bond interface parameters

Parameter Description Req’d? Allowable values
name I/F name Yes String data
mac_address MAC address of the I/F No String data
tags Tags to apply to the I/F No String data
vlan VLAN connected to I/F No String data
parents Bonded I/F IDs Yes Integers
bond-mode Operating mode of the bond No See table below
bond_miimon Link monitoring freq in ms No Integer
bond_downdelay Slave timeout in ms No Integer
bond-updelay Reset recovery delay in ms No Integer
bond_lacp-rate LACPDU 802.3ad rate No “Fast”/“Slow”
bond_xmit_hash_policy Slave selection hash policy No String
bond_num_grat_arp Peer failover ping count No Integer
mtu Max transmission unit size No Integer
accept_ra Accept router adverts No Boolean

See Bond two interfaces for instructions on how to use and apply these parameters.

Physical interface parameters

key value format type
name name of the interface string optional
mac_address MAC address of interface string required
tags tags string optional
vlan connected, untagged VLAN string optional
mtu max transmission unit integer optional
accept_ra accept router adverts boolean optional

Note that if no VLAN is specified, the interface is considered disconnected.

VLAN interface parameters

key value format type
tags tags string optional
vlan connected, untagged VLAN string required
parent parent interface ID string required
mtu max transmission unit integer optional
accept_ra accept router adverts boolean optional

Interface-subnet link parameters

key value format type mode
mode See mode table string required ----
subnet the linked subnet integer required any
ip_address IP addr for interface string optional STATIC
force force up, any VLAN boolean optional LINK_UP
default_gateway subnet gateway IP string optional AUTO

Interface-subnet link modes

mode description
AUTO Assign this interface a static IP address from the provided subnet. The subnet must be a managed subnet. The IP address will not be assigned until the node goes to be deployed.
DHCP Bring this interface up with DHCP on the given subnet. Only one subnet can be set to DHCP. If the subnet is managed this interface will pull from the dynamic IP range.
STATIC Bring this interface up with a static IP address on the given subnet. Any number of static links can exist on an interface.
LINK_UP Bring this interface up only on the given subnet. No IP address will be assigned to this interface. The interface cannot have any current AUTO, DHCP or STATIC links.

Last updated 3 days ago.