Reference: Commissioning scripts

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This page documents the metadata fields associated with MAAS commissioning scripts.

General information

Field Description
name The name of the script.
title Human-friendly descriptive version of the name, used within the web UI.
description Brief outline of what the script does.

Script type and execution

Field Description
type Either commissioning or testing.
timeout Length of time before MAAS automatically fails and kills execution of the script. The time may be specified in seconds or using the HH:MM:SS format.
destructive True or False, depending on whether the script will overwrite system data. You can’t run destructive tests on a deployed machine.
parallel Enables scripts to be run in parallel and can be one of the following: disabled, instance, any.
may_reboot When True, indicates to MAAS that the script may reboot the machine. MAAS will allow up to 20 minutes between heartbeats while running a script with may_reboot set to True.
recommission After all commissioning scripts have finished running rerun.
script_type commissioning or test. Indicates whether the script should run during commissioning or hardware testing.

Tagging and hardware specification

Field Description
tags List of tags associated with the script.
hardware_type Defines the type of hardware the script configures or tests. Types are node, cpu, memory, storage, network.
for_hardware Specifies the hardware that must be on the machine for the script to run. Various formats accepted.

for_hardware sub-parameters

Sub-Parameter Description
modalias Starts with ‘modalias:’ may optionally contain wild cards.
PCI ID Must be in the format of ‘pci:VVVV:PPPP’ where VVVV is the vendor ID, and PPPP is the product ID.
USB ID Must be in the format of ‘usb:VVVV:PPPP’ where VVVV is the vendor ID, and PPPP is the product ID.
System Vendor Starts with ‘system_vendor:’.
System Product Starts with ‘system_product:’.
System Version Starts with ‘system_version:’.
Mainboard Vendor Starts with ‘mainboard_vendor:’.
Mainboard Product Starts with ‘mainboard_product:’.

Parameters and results

Field Description
parameters What parameters the script accepts.
results What results the script will return.

Additional information

Field Description
comment Describes changes made in this revision of the script. A comment can be passed via the API when uploading the script. MAAS doesn’t look at the script metadata for this field.
packages List of packages to be installed or extracted before running the script. Packages must be specified as a dictionary. Various package sources accepted like apt, snap, url.

Script params

Your scripts can be parameter-rich. Make it flexible by defining types such as storage, interface, and URL.

For example, in Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Metadata block here
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
parser.add_argument('--storage', required=True, help='path to storage device')
args = parser.parse_args()
print(f"Testing: {}")

Or in Bash:

# Metadata block here
echo "Model: $1"
echo "Serial: $2"

Available Environment Variables

  • RESULT_PATH: Where to write result YAML.

Real-world Example: Intel C610/X99 HPA Controller

Here’s how to configure an Intel C610/X99 HPA controller on HP systems:

#!/bin/bash -ex
# Metadata here
output=$(sudo hprest get EmbeddedSata --selector HpB...

And there you have it: A quick rundown for handling commissioning scripts in MAAS, simplified for easy use.

Last updated 3 months ago.