Machine (Node)


A machine is a node that can be deployed by MAAS. It can be a physical machine (bare metal) or a virtual machine (e.g. LXD).

Machine actions

Machine actions are essentially “things you can do with nodes”. You can trigger them via the web UI or the MAAS CLI. In the web UI, you manage them with the ‘Take action’ button in the top right corner. An action usually changes the status of a node.

Machine statuses

Node statuses are labels used to describe the general state of a node as known to MAAS. A node will undergo various manipulations during their time spent in MAAS, and its status will change accordingly. Actions applied to a node are the most common cause of a status change (see section above.) Below is the full list of status values and their meaning, arranged alphabetically.

Some aspects of a node can only be modified when a node has a certain status. Here are two typical examples:

  • you cannot modify a network interfaces unless the node has a status of either ‘Ready’ or ‘Broken’.
  • you cannot modify storage unless the node has a status of either ‘Ready’ or ‘Allocated’.

Last updated 16 hours ago.