Reference: Device labels

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This page explains the basics of device labelling.

Hypervisor tags

To add hypervisor tags to a device via the UI, use the following screen:

Tailor the core and RAM requirements to your specific environment.

If you prefer the CLI, use a command of the form:

maas ${MAAS_PROFILE} tags create name=hypervisor \


Isolate UEFI-enabled KVM virtual machines running on AMD servers. Streamline your hardware filtering for a smoother operation.

To do this via the CLI:

maas ${MAAS_PROFILE} tags create \

NVME servers

Instantly tag servers sporting NVME controllers for high-speed data storage.

CLI version:

maas ${MAAS_PROFILE} tags create ...

Mellanox ConnectX-5

Identify servers featuring the highly sought-after Mellanox ConnectX-5 network cards.

The CLI command is:

maas ${MAAS_PROFILE} tags create \

GPU passthrough

When you want to crunch graphical data on AMD processors, enable GPU passthrough for Nvidia Quadro K series GPUs.

Using the CLI:

maas ${MAAS_PROFILE} tags create \

Last updated 7 months ago.