Reference: Release notes MAAS 3.2

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MAAS 3.2.10

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2.10 has been released.

Bug fixes

This point release of MAAS 3.2 provides five bug fixes:

1999827^ : DNS entries for MAAS servers change to secondary IPs
2022084^ : secure boot enabled on RHEL image fails to boot local on 2nd reboot after deploy
2029417^ : RPC failure to contact rack/region - operations on closed handler
2034014^ : Conflict error during w3 request
2040188^ : MAAS config option for IPMI cipher suite ID is not passed to bmc-config script

MAAS 3.2.9

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2.9 has been released.

Bug fixes

The following high-profile bugs have been fixed in MAAS 3.2.9:

2027735^: Concurrent API calls don’t get balanced between regiond processes
2020397^: Custom images which worked ok is not working with 3.2
2022926^: Wrong metadata url in enlist cloud-config
2027621^: ipv6 addresses in dhcpd.conf

MAAS 3.2.8

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2.8 has been released.

Bug fixes

This point release of MAAS 3.2 provides a number of high-profile bug fixes:

2009186^: CLI results in connection timed out when behind haproxy and 5240 is blocked
2009805^: machine deploy install_kvm=True fails
2012139^: maas commands occasionally fail with NO_CERTIFICATE_OR_CRL_FOUND when TLS is enabled
1807725^: Machine interfaces allow ‘_’ character, results on a interface based domain breaking bind (as it doesn’t allow it for the host part).
1979403^: commission failed with MAAS 3.1 when BMC has multiple channels but the first channel is disabled
1986590^: maas-cli from PPA errors out with traceback - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘provisioningserver’

MAAS 3.2.7

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2.7 has been released.

Bug fixes

This point release of MAAS 3.2 provides a number of high-profile bug fixes.

MAAS 3.2.7 bug fixes
The following bugs have been fixed in MAAS 3.2.7:

1989974^: rackd fails on CIS-hardened machine with “Failed to update and/or record network interface configuration: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)”
1938296^: MAAS 3.0 incorrectly calculates the amount of free space on drive
1982866^: MAAS Breaks historical custom images
1988759^: Provisioning LXD vmhost fails
1990014^: regiond.conf “debug_http: true” causes image downloads from regiond to fail with 500 error code
1992185^: unable to deploy a machine with vmhost if a bond interface was created
1993152^: Updating a VM host through API unset tags
1993289^: Pod storage pool path can’t be blank
1992330^: Use the rack controller IP as DNS when relaying DHCP
1993618^: Web UI redirection policy can invalidate HAProxy and/or TLS setup
1994945^: Failure to create ephemeral VM when no architectures are found on the VM host
1996419^: renaming a DNS record to a previous name fails with error: list.remove(x): x not in list
1996997^: LXD resources fails on a Raspberry Pi with no Ethernet

MAAS 3.2.6

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2.6 has been released.

Bug fixed

This point release of MAAS 3.2 provides a fix for a critical bug that prevented MAAS from enlisting machines on subnets with active DNS:

No other changes were made for this point release.

MAAS 3.2.5

MAAS 3.2.5 was an attempt to fix a critical issue in 3.2.4. This issue was resolved in MAAS 3.2.6, listed above.

MAAS 3.2.4

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2.4 has been released.

Bug fixed

This point release of MAAS 3.2 provides a fix for a critical bug that prevented the controllers page from displaying under certain conditions:

This release also addresses build issues found in prior point releases.

MAAS 3.2.3/3.2.2

MAAS 3.2.2 and MAAS 3.2.3 were successive attempts to fix issues in MAAS. These issues were resolved in MAAS 3.2.4, listed above.

MAAS 3.2.1

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2.1 has been released.

Bug fixes

This point release of MAAS 3.2.1 provides support for Rocky Linux UEFI (bug number 1955671)^, along with fixes for a number of recently-reported bugs:

MAAS 3.2

We are happy to announce that MAAS 3.2 is now available.


MAAS 3.2 provides several new features, as well as the usual cadre of bug fixes.

Improved performance

As part of the MAAS 3.2 development effort, we have taken steps to improve the performance of machine listings. To date, we have measured the speed of listing a large number (100-1000) of machines via the REST API to be 32% faster, on average. During the next cycle, we will be actively working to improve MAAS performance for other operations (such as search).

Better Redfish support

MAAS has previously supported the Redfish protocol for some time, but as an option, preferring IPMI over all others if a choice of protocol was possible. In contrast, MAAS 3.2 supports Redfish as a BMC protocol by preferring Redfish over IPMI, provided that:

  • The BMC has a Redfish Host Interface enabled
  • That host interface can be accessed by the MAAS host

MAAS already supports Redfish, but with MAAS 3.2 we’re trying to auto-detect Redfish and use it if it’s available.

You may know that Redfish is an alternative to the IPMI protocol for connecting with machine BMCs. It provides additional features above and beyond those provided by IPMI. Eventually, Redfish should supplant IPMI as the default BMC interface.

If the machine uses either IPMI or Redfish for its BMC, the ephemeral environment will automatically detect it, create a separate user for MAAS and configure the machine, so that MAAS may check and control the machine’s power status. Note that the name of the user that MAAS creates in the BMC is controlled by the maas_auto_ipmi_user config setting, both for IPMI and Redfish; nothing has changed in this regard with MAAS 3.2.

You can check whether or not a machine can communicate via Redfish, with the command:

dmidecode -t 42

If the machine has been enlisted by MAAS, you can also check the output of the 30-maas-01-bmc-config commissioning script to discover this.

MAAS native TLS

MAAS 3.2 provides native TLS. MAAS now has built-in TLS support for communicating with the UI and API over HTTPS. This eliminates the need to deploy a separate TLS-terminating reverse-proxy solution in front of MAAS to provide secure access to API and UI. Note that you can still set up an HA proxy if you are using multiple controllers.

Hardware sync for deployed machines

MAAS 3.2 allows you to sync hardware changes for deployed machines. You can see real-time updates to storage, etc., for a running machine. This feature requires a special parameter be set prior to deployment. Coupled with the existing ability to commission deployed machines, MAAS 3.2 moves a step closer to real-time reconfiguration of active, deployed, bare-metal.

Expanded tagging capability

MAAS 3.2 provides greatly expanded tagging capability. You can auto-apply tags to machines that match a custom XPath expression. Setting up an automatic tag lets you recognise special hardware characteristics and settings, e.g., the gpu passthrough.

More new features

MAAS 3.2 rounds out the feature set with a few more items:

  • Support for observability (O11y) in MAAS: MAAS now supports integration with FOSS Observability stacks.

  • Ability for user to specify IPMI cipher suite: You can explicitly select which cipher suite to use when interacting with a BMC.

  • Roll-out of our new tabbed Reader Adaptive Documentation (incremental across the release cycle): We’ve eliminated the top menus; each page now contains information for all versions, select-able by drop-downs above the relevant sections.


MAAS 3.2 can be installed fresh from snaps (recommended) with:

sudo snap install --channel=3.2 maas

MAAS 3.2 can be installed from packages by adding the ppa:maas/3.2 PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maas/3.2
sudo apt update
sudo apt install maas

You can then install MAAS 3.2 fresh (recommended) with:

sudo apt-get -y install maas

Or, if you prefer to upgrade, you can:

sudo apt upgrade maas

At this point, proceed with a normal installation.

Bug fixes

Here is the breakdown of bugs fixed across the MAAS 3.2 release:

Known issues

The following known issues exist for MAAS 3.2:

Cannot update controller/device tags via WebSocket API

If you attempt to update a list of tags of a device with an automatic tag, you get an error: “Cannot add tag tag-name to node because it has a definition”.

If you attempt to manually make the same API request, but send a list of tags with the automatic tag filtered out, the automatic tag will be removed from the device.

Last updated 4 months ago.