How to secure MAAS

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This section offers security suggestions for your MAAS instance:

  • Enhance MAAS security: Apply conventional security with firewalls, TLS termination, PEM files, HAProxy, logging, Web server security, MAAS logs, PostgreSQL security, good passwords, permissions, snap security, shared secrets, and HashiCorp Vault.

  • Manage user accounts and access: Add, update, and edit users; manage SSH keys; and change passwords.

  • Implement MAAS native TLS: Things you should know about configuring and enabling TLS, including Apache and nginx, as well as managing certificates.

  • Integrate Vault with MAAS: A quick and simple rundown of how HashiCorp Vault works with MAAS.

  • Configure an air-gapped MAAS: You can use MAAS behind an air-gap, provided you configure the Snap proxy, set up local package updates and image mirrors, and provide transparent proxies.

Last updated a day ago.